March 28, 2014

Post Lexington and Megacon 2014

WOW! Just Wow. What a couple of great shows. Both were energetic and alot of fun. While I only got around both shows before they started, it was a great time. Everyone was having fun. It was a long two weeks of travel, but definately fun. And Orlando in March, 80's for highs. yeah I could go for that for sure. Couple of good things to report about the Lexington show first. First and foremost it was great to be in Lexington, first time visiting in over 20 years. Got a chance to hang with my good friend Bryon and his Gal Pal Darlene. Also, got to meet Tom Kane the voice of Yoda on Star Wars Clone Wars. He was kind enough to sign a yoda pic I did for a friend of my sisters. I had colored his outfit and lightsaber pink for breast cancer. I'm very grateful to Mr. Kane for his generosity. And then there was Megacon. Which was insanely busy. I didn't leave my table much. Even if I could have, there was too many people to walk through. Also on Sunday I found out Tom Kane was there also. No he wasn't stalking me, But Stan Lee was. LOL. I was able to go see him on Sunday and purchase an autograph for me. We talked about his kids some as they like the print I had left on his table the week before. Tom if you see this, let me know if they destroy that print and I will happily replace it for you anytime. Now begins the prep for Gem City Comic Con at the Nutter Center on the campus of Wright State University. Always a great show and alot of fun. If you can come out check for information on the show. I hope to blog some more soon, so until them I am always and forever just... Brett

March 5, 2014

March has arrived, and I'm looking south!

Its March here in Michigan. Which means its could be 30 below with 20 feet of snow, or like a couple years ago hitting 80's. I'm not complaining too much on the cold and snow, you kind of get used to it. But the 80's will be nice. So I'm heading south. In a little over a week, March 14 I will be spending the weekend at the Lexington Comic Con. I'm super excited about this show. I had to back out of their first one because of a scheduling conflict and this year is the first year I can make it there and set up in their Artist Alley. If you haven't checkout out their site, I have a link on my website that you can click through to get all the particulars including ticket prices and directions. If you do come out, please make it a point to stop by and say hi and hopefully pick up a comic or some art work from me. So what's new with me? lately just been getting ready for these shows. I'm still working on finishing issue 3 of Boomtown Scabs. I decided to delay it until May so I didn't feel rushed and not be happy with it. I should have more info the beginning of April, so keep watching. The Oscars were this past weekend. I've always enjoyed watching the Oscars, and except for a few years, I usually enjoy it. I have to say it was one of the best Oscar telecasts and I was really impressed with how they presented the Memorial segment. In the last several years they made it more about who was singing during it and doing all kinds of sweeping camera movements. This year you couldn't hear the audience clap for those they like which is how I like it. Its a time to reflect and they allowed it this year by not having the singing during it and putting the placards of those they honored on the screen making it easy to see and read. I hope they keep it up from now on. Well that's what I have right now. Check out my website Your Pal, Brett