November 6, 2014


Hello everyone. I'm still alive and well just been busy with life and everything but all is good. I hope to start updating more soon on progress of new books and such. This coming weekend im at the Akron comic con November 8 and 9 and November 15 and 16 I'm at geek galaxy in Evansville Indiana. Message me with any questions and if your looking to get a special commission before christmahannakwanzaa now is the time. Until i see you next take care, be well. 

July 22, 2014

July 2014. Summer.

Well what can I say. It's Summer and I haven't posted in a couple months. It's been a busy couple months and in my sheer infinite laziness, I haven't blogged. I haven't done much. I have worked on commissions which all still need to be completed. I have no idea where the time went. I hope you're having a great summer. Mine has been really good. I'm now getting ready to head to Florida to see family and do the Tampa Bay Comic Con. I will be setup in Artist Alley C28 for the entire show. I have my Expendables Trade back in print, 4 Issues of the Boomtown Scabs and a whole slew of prints. I'm going to be running specials on the prints so stop by and ask what they are. That's all for now, short and sweet. Work on other projects continues and I will be posting more when I have more information. Be well, take care. your pal, Brett

May 19, 2014

Motor City Comic Con 2014

Its Monday after Motor City Comic Con and all I can say is wow. It was such an amazing time, and I thank all of you that came out. I was most excited of those that took a chance for the first time on my comics, especially the Boomtown Scabs. With the release of Boomtown Scabs #4 in print form this weekend, I began my 10th spring Motor City show. My first in 2005 John and I brought The adventures of Carl #1 mini comic and Boomtown Scabs #1 which showed up at 6 Friday night at the show. Having a new Boomtown Scabs book at this show gave me a similar feeling as having that first issue there. I was so excited about this release I showed it to everyone. I think many saw in me what I truly love doing and that is creating and sharing stories. I hope all the new readers fully enjoy these 4 issues and I am working on Issue 5 this summer and if everything goes as hoped, It will be ready next year as well as a trade collection of all 5 issues including a newly colorized issue 1. Back to the show as a whole, this was my best Motor city in the 10 years I've been doing this show. The fans were abundantly plentiful and also very excited and in great moods. I enjoyed talking to as many as I could and sharing all that is Brett R. Pinson Creations from comics to prints. I got to see many great friends including Heather Kreiter and her My Demon Pony's, Jason Ujvari and his great art, Jay Brant and his heads up studio. I can't forget those that are more family than friends, GW Fisher, Darryl O'Reily, Josh and Kathy Warner and Sean and Stephanie Forney. Motor City is a family reunion of sorts and I don't think I'm alone in thinking that way. This next weekend I will be in Traverse City Michigan for the Cherry Capital Comic Con. This will be most likely the only time this year that Adam Talley and I will be appearing at the same show. This is a great opportunity to get The Expendables Trade and have it signed by both of us. Well its back to work to prepare for the show, Thank you all again to those that were able to come out to Motor City this past weekend and I look forward to seeing you at a future appearance. take care Your pal, Brett R. Pinson

May 12, 2014

Boomtown Scabs #4

Hey Everyone, Boomtown Scabs #4 is off to the printers but as promised, I have uploaded it for you to read for free on my website I will be at the Motor City Comic Con this coming weekend, May 16-18th in Novi Michigan at the Suburban showplace. for information on the show including times and ticket prices. The printed edition will sell for $4 at shows as well as the other Boomtown Scabs. I will be working on uploading all 4 issues for digital downloads at $.99 per issue. For those that have not read the series, I write them all to be stand alone adventures. While there is some carry over, there is no spoilers that would ruin it for you to pick up and read issues 1 through 3. Until next time take care and if you haven't like my facebook page: which is also accessible through my website Your Pal, Brett

April 22, 2014

Boomtown Scabs 4 and More!

Greetings to one an all. I'm taking a break from the final pages of Boomtown Scabs 4 to post that its coming next month. I'm working to have it finished and shipped out to the printers this week, and hopefully launching it online for a limited time for everyone to read at no charge. I will also have available digital downloads for $.99 each of all 4 of the Boomtown Scabs books. So lets take a look at the cover:
Well back to work for now. Look for a longer post next time along with where you can read this comic. Brett

March 28, 2014

Post Lexington and Megacon 2014

WOW! Just Wow. What a couple of great shows. Both were energetic and alot of fun. While I only got around both shows before they started, it was a great time. Everyone was having fun. It was a long two weeks of travel, but definately fun. And Orlando in March, 80's for highs. yeah I could go for that for sure. Couple of good things to report about the Lexington show first. First and foremost it was great to be in Lexington, first time visiting in over 20 years. Got a chance to hang with my good friend Bryon and his Gal Pal Darlene. Also, got to meet Tom Kane the voice of Yoda on Star Wars Clone Wars. He was kind enough to sign a yoda pic I did for a friend of my sisters. I had colored his outfit and lightsaber pink for breast cancer. I'm very grateful to Mr. Kane for his generosity. And then there was Megacon. Which was insanely busy. I didn't leave my table much. Even if I could have, there was too many people to walk through. Also on Sunday I found out Tom Kane was there also. No he wasn't stalking me, But Stan Lee was. LOL. I was able to go see him on Sunday and purchase an autograph for me. We talked about his kids some as they like the print I had left on his table the week before. Tom if you see this, let me know if they destroy that print and I will happily replace it for you anytime. Now begins the prep for Gem City Comic Con at the Nutter Center on the campus of Wright State University. Always a great show and alot of fun. If you can come out check for information on the show. I hope to blog some more soon, so until them I am always and forever just... Brett

March 5, 2014

March has arrived, and I'm looking south!

Its March here in Michigan. Which means its could be 30 below with 20 feet of snow, or like a couple years ago hitting 80's. I'm not complaining too much on the cold and snow, you kind of get used to it. But the 80's will be nice. So I'm heading south. In a little over a week, March 14 I will be spending the weekend at the Lexington Comic Con. I'm super excited about this show. I had to back out of their first one because of a scheduling conflict and this year is the first year I can make it there and set up in their Artist Alley. If you haven't checkout out their site, I have a link on my website that you can click through to get all the particulars including ticket prices and directions. If you do come out, please make it a point to stop by and say hi and hopefully pick up a comic or some art work from me. So what's new with me? lately just been getting ready for these shows. I'm still working on finishing issue 3 of Boomtown Scabs. I decided to delay it until May so I didn't feel rushed and not be happy with it. I should have more info the beginning of April, so keep watching. The Oscars were this past weekend. I've always enjoyed watching the Oscars, and except for a few years, I usually enjoy it. I have to say it was one of the best Oscar telecasts and I was really impressed with how they presented the Memorial segment. In the last several years they made it more about who was singing during it and doing all kinds of sweeping camera movements. This year you couldn't hear the audience clap for those they like which is how I like it. Its a time to reflect and they allowed it this year by not having the singing during it and putting the placards of those they honored on the screen making it easy to see and read. I hope they keep it up from now on. Well that's what I have right now. Check out my website Your Pal, Brett

February 16, 2014

Mid February Update

So i'm sitting here waiting on the new Walking Dead episode so I thought i'd do an update. I'm also printing today to restock for the coming conventions I have. First up is the Great Lakes Comic Con, This is a great show at Macomb Community College Feb 28 - March 1st. This year they added a Friday night preview night. While the GLCC is in it's second year the guys putting on the show have been doing smaller shows the last several years under Great Lakes Comic Expo. It's been great getting to know Mike and Marty and as a participant in their shows seeing it grow this last few years. If your in the area and are able to make it out I know I'd like to see you and they would like it also. Next up is the Lexington Comic Con March 14-16th in Lexington KY. This will be my first time appearing at this show, I'm real excited about it. I met Jarrod a couple years ago at the Cincinnati Comic Expo and he is a great guy. I had to bail out his first show do to a scheduling conflict, and missed last years as it fell on the same day as another show. I'm excited that this year it falls before the Megacon show in Orlando Florida. Yep I said Orlando Florida. Florida in March. Hopefully some really nice warm weather. Megacon, is a great show i've had the pleasure to be invited to going on 7 years now. Beth and Christine who run the show put on one of the best run shows anywhere and continue to pack in more and more people. Its grown since I started going there from about 40,000 to over 60,000 people. Now I could take full credit for that, but i'm sure i only brought in just a few hundred my self. lol. But there are great fans there I love to see every year and I am super excited about the show as usual. And the warm weather. :) Besides all that i'm still working on issue 4 of the Boomtown Scabs. I have a couple more pages to draw and it's taken longer than i had hoped. I will have it for the Motor City Comic Con in May and I apologize it most likely wont be ready for Megacon. Until next time I am still and forever... Brett R. Pinson

February 7, 2014

Let's reboot this yet again!

Hey everyone, Well i'm trying this again. Helps that where i have my internet setup, 1 and 1, as an app for that. Well for this I guess. I I've been busy working on finishing up issue 4 of Boomtown Scabs. My longtime fans are probably like, "yeah" "sure" "heard that crap before scabbie." But i swear, the first 26 pages illustrated by my pal Kevin Leen of our joint venture Fantastic Storytyme are done completely. That means colors and letters. I know right! how cool is that. now i have to create the last 4 pages and i'm hoping to have that done and sent to the printer very soon for a debut at the Megacon convention in Orlando Florida in March. I'm going to work on blogging more, even if its just ramble at times so bear with me. If your on Blogger reading this head on over to or for my website. They are one and the same. Until next time I am always and forever, Brett R. Pinson